
Commenced operation as APCO Construction Pvt. Ltd. by Mr. Anil Kumar Singh, a visionary and dynamic trailblazer. This inspirational leader is a pioneering innovator and strategist. Acting as a catalyst and architect of success, he has transformed APCO, propelling the company to new heights.
Summary of Civil Works Experience (1992-1999)

During the period from 1992 to 1999, I was extensively involved in various civil works projects, including the construction and maintenance of buildings and roads.

Professional Experience: Civil Engineering Projects (2000-2005)

During the period from 2000 to 2005, I had the privilege of working on several significant civil engineering projects for renowned companies such as CONCOR, IOCL, and IOTL. These projects provided me with a wealth of experience and opportunities to develop my skills in various aspects of civil engineering.

Pioneering Infrastructure Development

Really thrilled to announce the award of our first major road project in Rajasthan by Punj Lloyd. This project signifies a monumental step in our journey towards excellence in infrastructure development. In addition to our road project, APCO Infratech has been entrusted with the civil works for Bajaj’s Utraula Sugar Mills. This project underscores our capability in delivering high-quality industrial infrastructure.